The goal of this site is to gather and synthesize the information we need to put Solarpunk into practice. There are already many great resources out there and the idea is not to recreate them, but to serve as a meta resource. The idea is to grow a densely interconnected network of pages that help others discover and make sense of the information they need to start taking action, for example to

  1. Educate & Inspire
  2. Build & Plant
  3. Organize & Resist

We may need to start small but

Small is good, small is all.
– adrienne maree brown (Emergent Strategy)

Starting small also does not mean that we are starting from zero. There are many people, communities and whole movements that have been working for decades on ecological living, appropriate technology, permaculture, social and climate justice, decolonization and other areas that are related to Solarpunk.


If the vision of Solarpunk resonates with you, I want to invite you to share what you know and feel to be valuable information for everyone wanting to work towards a Solarpunk future.

You can suggest content to be added by using this Etherpad or contribute to the repository directly on GithHub. I would love to connect with and get to know other Solarpunks. You can reach me at qv1et AT riseup DOT net.