The Solarpunk Knowledge Repository is a Digital Garden, a growing network of knowledge and ideas that will be useful in building a more hopeful, ecological and just society, starting today.

Here are some pointers to help you, find your way around the site:

  • If you are new to Solarpunk, you can start here.
  • If you want to connect to other Solarpunks, either online or in real-life, take a look at the Solarpunk Communities page.
  • To learn more about the goal of this site, check out this page.
  • In the future you will be able to explore the site from a bird’s eye view using the Atlas or the Visual Sitemap (there is no content yet).

Contributions to the repository are very welcome. The source code, including all of the content, is available on GitHub. You can also suggest content to be added using the contribution pad.